Monthly Archives: March 2012


Right now I am investigation modernism vs. postmodernism vs. what we/I are now. Would that be post-postmodernist?

In popular culture, the movement that is loosely called “New Sincerity” displays salient features of post-postmodernism in its opposition to postmodern irony and in its attempt to promote good feeling. One of its most notable proponents is the radio talk-show host Jesse Thorn, who issued a brief “Manifesto for the New Sincerity” on his blog in 2006.[25] He states we should “think of [the New Sincerity] as irony and sincerity combined like Voltron, to form a new movement of astonishing power.” As an example Thorn goes on to cite the late motorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel, whose persona is “preposterous” but whose stunts “boggle the mind” and “can’t be taken ironically.” Thorn often promotes “The New Sincerity” on his radio program, The Sound of Young America, which is broadcast on American public radio and is available as podcasts on the show’s homepage.[26] Wikipedia.


I’ve been dreading making the supply list because I have spent so much money lately but it’s time to do this shit, and anyways, the Honors College is buying, so I don’t know what my problem is.

Gesso: Joe’s Prime 1 Gallon, $23.99. I have a LOT of surface to cover.

Misting bottle: $3

Sinopia Titanium white 500 g bag. $16
Chrome Oxide 100 g bag $8
Raw Umber Deep Cool shade 50 g jar $10
Mars Black 100 g bag $8
Lapis Paynes Grey 20 g jar $11
Quinacridone Violet 20 g jar $10

Cheap Joes Total: 27
Sinopia Total: 65
Total, total: 95

I really want viridian and a porcelain palette but those are 25 dollars each. Perhaps I can buy a small tube watercolor of viridian. I just love it soooo much. As for the palette… I can suck it up.


I wrote a nice long journal entry about how I was finally ready to focus on my thesis and how I was going to keep my journal as blog and blah blah blah and just as I was starting my little blog I kicked the power strip under the table and shut everything off. Don’t stretch in the library. Perhaps blessedly, my thesis blog will forever miss that little rumination (chew it over?) and I can start afresh.

Why am I finally ready to kick it on my thesis? For one, I have to. But secondly and more real, I have been doing a lot of personal changing in the last couple of months. This personal changing has taken up a lot of energy. All my classes have been suffering. Now there are four weeks until exams and five weeks until the end of the semester and finally, finally, I can do it. I am here! I am back to the artwork and to the ideas, except now my ideas are joyous and my mind is questioning and willing to take any answers.

I chose to move my journal to a blog format so I could access it anywhere and also share and curate it more easily. This allows for multimedia and the multitude of the internet. What a beautiful thing. I will use the blog for practical thesis thoughts but also, more broadly, for any other thoughts I have. It is all the same anyways. I will write in it everyday, so even on the days I don’t think about the thesis, I will think about the thesis.

I will work 15 hours a week for the rest of the semester. Over the summer I will likely kick it up to 20, except for the weeks where I have classes that meet everyday. Those weeks just might be 10. If this is not looking like enough, I will kick it up even more. I don’t plan on working much. I have a (very) little money in the bank, a cheap apartment, a CSA already payed for, 300 dollars from the honors college, and most of my supplies. I think I will do a little catering, a little modelling, and maybe a little of watching people’s cats. Coupled with seriously minimal spending I will be all set. It’s thesis time.

Today (Saturday) I will establish a workable timeline and final supply list. Tomorrow (Sunday) will be a visual day, because I need something to show for myself. On Monday I will purchase the supplies and also cash my receipts. On Monday I will also make a plan for the rest of the week.

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