SO excited

This morning I finished preparing the main panel, did some drawing for its composition, and then TAPED all my edges. I changed it as I went, drawing with the tape. Seeing it in large form I knew some of the edges I had planned were awkward. Now, they are beautiful! The tape is just to help me see the borders, and the actual borders will not look anything like blue painters tape! They will be neutral (either white or stained) flat pieces of wood about 1 inch wide. In each spot goes a painting.

I propped the whole thing up against my kitchen counter with a handy series of wooden spoons and plates. The counter is edited out (Poorly, I know. Hey, I have a netbook with Microsoft Paint! I’ll take it to the library and do it right eventually.) so the scale of the painting is lost. The whole thing is 8 ft wide and 5.5 ft tall. If I stand at the highest point it is exactly my height. Coincidence? YES!

Anyways it is so amazingly exciting now to see it all laid out and know that it is progressing and I will finish it. Really exciting. Time for some vegetable lunch, and then I think some painting out of doors.

Upcoming topics include playing artist and why Texas is turning into Gilead of the Handmaid’s Tale.

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